Nestled in the vibrant heart of Seville, the Jewish Quarter, also known as Santa Cruz Quarter, beckons visitors with a compelling mix of history, culture, and legends. This iconic neighborhood was originally a Muslim settlement before its transition into a Jewish community in 1248, when Christians took over Seville. The area was a refuge for the Jewish population until the tragic massacre of 1391. Traces of this rich history are still palpable, from the ancient walls that once circled the community to the synagogues that were once mosques. With such a blend of cultural influences and historical significance, it's impossible to come to Seville and not be captivated by this area. Walk these intriguing streets with a knowledgeable local guide on the Free Jewish Quarter Tour. As you navigate the beautiful lanes and squares, you'll feel like you're stepping back in time, peeling away layers of history with each footstep.