
Essential Free Tour Seoul

  • Walk among shrines and palaces in Gwanghwamun and Jongno-gu areas to discover Seoul’s essence.
  • Have fun in Insadong, the shopping paradise for pottery, tea and traditional handmade paper.
  • Get the best tips for Korean barbecue places and nightlife entertainment from a local!
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You don’t need to be a lover of K-pop or K-culture to fall in love with the energetic, youthful vibe of Seoul. The cultural and aesthetics capital of Asia is a wonderland full of stunning temples, delicate gardens and bustling commercial areas that tourists could spend weeks exploring! For those who want to make the most of their trip and get the best introduction to Korean culture with a local guide, the Essential Free Tour of Seoul is the smartest choice. This walking tour will take guests along the main monuments of Seoul’s oldest area, and provide engaging historical explanations. Your attentive guide will make sure that you understand the meaning behind each building and get tips on Korean culture, etiquette, and how to visit temples as a respectful pilgrim.

Your Essential Free Tour of Seoul will take you around Gyeongbokgung Palace, the royal palace of the Joseon dynasty since the 14th century. Destroyed several times because of fires, it was rebuilt luxuriously as an embodiment of the royal power. During the tour, you will learn about the end of the monarchy in Korea, the Japanese invasion and subsequent war that divided the peninsula into two countries and how Seoul became the political center of the new democracy. A visit to some of the main temples in the city, such as the centuries-old Jogyesa Temple, will provide guests of the tour with a good introduction to Buddhist art, architecture and spirituality. The Jongmyo Confucian Shrine, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will offer also an approach to Confucian ritual ceremonies.

Of course, no free tour will be complete without a walk around the hippest and coolest area in central Seoul: Insadong. This pedestrianized avenue is packed with the trendiest boutiques, popular eateries, tea houses, coffee shops, music venues, art galleries and much more. This is the perfect area to mingle with the young generations of Koreans whose music, films and food are taking the world by storm. As your group stroll along these vibrant streets and malls, your guide will offer explanations about the challenges that Seoul faces in the present and the hopes for a brand-new future! All in all, joining the Essential Free Tour of Seoul has to be one of the best ways to spend a day in the city. So, go ahead and book today to make sure you can join this unforgettable experience!
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